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Early on in the Foundation DLC for Control, you’ll be presented with a choice between two powers. Both powers, Create and Fracture, relate to the crystals that you may have seen upon first entering the new Foundation area, albeit in different ways. One allows you to create crystals for your own usage, while the other allows you to destroy crystals to open new passages. This is the first time a decision like this pops up in Control, so you might be asking yourself “which power do I choose?” Thankfully, both are obtainable eventually, but the one you pick first will shape your gameplay style in the beginning of the DLC.

Which Power to Choose in the Control Foundation DLC

The left option provides Create, which allows you to build crystals to create platforms, while the right option provides Fracture, which allows you to destroy crystals instead. Both are different forms of the expansion’s main ability, Shape, which allows for the manipulation of crystals in different ways. It’s important to note that you can get both abilities eventually. This decision only affects which part of the power you get first. As such, you shouldn’t think too hard about which one you end up picking. Both are useful in their own ways, and if you find something while exploring that requires the other power, you can always come back later thanks to Control’s open nature. The Foundation DLC for Control was designed with Shape in mind, meaning tons of challenges and secrets will be centered around the new power. There’s also another ability in the expansion, Shield Rush, which allows for more offensive use of the Shield ability.

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The Foundation DLC is available now for PlayStation 4 and PC, but Xbox owners of Control will have to wait an additional three months to get their hands on the new expansion.

Foundation Game On Mac Download

Control won the hearts of many last year with its unique premise and great story, and now it’s time to return to the Oldest House with the release of the Foundation DLC, which is available now on PlayStation 4 and PC. Unfortunately, Xbox One players will have to wait an additional three months to get their hands on Control’s first expansion, so not all Control owners can get access to the new content right now. If you’re on one of the platforms that does currently have the DLC, though, you’re in for a treat. This is how to access the Foundation DLC in Control.

How to Start the Foundation DLC in Control

Foundation Game On Mac Pc

In order to start the Foundation DLC, you first must have completed Control’s main story. You cannot start the expansion without first rolling credits on the main game, so you have some catching up to do if you haven’t yet finished the game. If you’ve completed the main game, then you should immediately receive a new quest, called “The Foundation,” as soon as you start playing Control. This quest sets the events of the DLC in motion, taking you to the new areas and introducing you to some of the expansion’s new mechanics. The first step is to head to the Hotline and figure out what’s going on, so fast travel to Central Executive if you’re not already there and proceed to the Hotline Chamber to start the Foundation.

The Foundation picks up immediately after Control’s main story ends, sending Jesse Faden underground to the foundation of the Oldest House. There, she finds that the Astral Plane itself is seeping into the Oldest House, and she must take action to prevent the Federal Bureau of Control from being destroyed. Along the way, you’ll get a new power called Shape and learn more about a few story threads that the main game left unanswered.

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- This article was updated on:March 27th, 2020